Diamond aircraft was the first to commit to Garmin’s fully integrated G1000 glass cockpit. All diamond aircraft provide the best modern avionics system in all fleets of diamond aircraft. Today’s G1000NXI, similar to those used in large airlines, offers unparallel situational awareness and flight monitoring meeting the highest expectations of operator’s convenience and better safety Garmin 1000 Nxi features:
Displays initialize within seconds after start-up, less than 10 seconds
Faster, modern processing power that supports faster map rendering and smoother panning throughout the displays
Improved readability with new LED backlighting, increased display brightness as well as improved dimming performance
Enables simpler and faster replacement of LRUs
Automatically loads correct software and configuration to the replacement unit
Takes installed options into account
Reduces the need to reload the entire system software and configuration when a unit is replaced
Unique fleet and configuration IDs ensure the correct aircraft configuration is loaded
Higher resolution 15” MFD
Optional Flight Stream 510, which enables Database Concierge, wireless transfer of aviation databases from the Garmin Pilot app
FS 510 supports two-way flight plan transfer
Pilots can now select visual approaches that will provide vertical guidance based 3-degree glideslope. Pilots can intercept and fly a visual approach coupled to the autopilot.
Weather radar overlay on moving map (MFD)
Supports ADS-B In (FIS-B) and Garmin’s patent Target Trend technology (this feature is not available when TCAS II is installed with the G1000 suite)
Surface Watch Runway Monitoring Technology.
COMM frequency identification
Display of VFR and IFR sectional charts
Animated SXM weather
Vertical Situation Display (VSD) incorporates terrain profile view on the MFD, taking into consideration the active flight plan, altitude constraints, and winds aloft
HSI Map Overlay on PFD supports display of:
Weather Radar
FIS-B Weather (this feature is not available when TCAS II is installed with the G1000 suite)
Relative Terrain
Sirius XM Weather
New three-color terrain shading with improved contouring
Green-2,000 FT
Yellow-1,000 FT
Red-100 FT
The Garmin G1000 NXi features the GFC 700 Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS). This is a fully digital, three-axis, dual-channel, fail-passive autopilot. This autopilot allows you to fly full class 3 WAAS/LPV glide path approaches down to comparable minimums of an ILS approach. The Garmin G1000 NXi also has the capability for a visual approach, which has a three-degree autopilot that is coupled with a vertical flight path down to your selected minimums. The flexibility of the GFC 700 AFCS gives you more options to fly and land your aircraft.
Garmin Electronic Stability and Protection is a feature of the Garmin G1000 NXi that gives pilot the assistance to hand-fly the airplane. Garmin ESP™ helps to prevent loss of control during flight by giving a gentle correction to the yoke when it detects excessive roll or pitch by utilizing the autopilot servos. Garmin ESP™ also provides coupled go-around capabilities and under-speed protection (USP). SYNTHETIC VISION
One of the most popular options of the Garmin G1000 NXi is Garmin’s exclusive synthetic vision technology. Garmin’s SVT is like having a picture-perfect view even in the most difficult Instrument Flight Rules or Visual Flight Rules conditions. Having this feature gives you a 3D view of the PFD of the landscape and terrain. It also shows obstacles, datalink weather and/or onboard radar overlays, flight plan routes, airports, traffic targets, SafeTaxi diagrams, and more. SAFETAXI & SURFACEWATCH RUNWAY MONITORING
SafeTaxi is a safety feature that helps to monitor the locations in unfamiliar airports. It has a database of airports in the US, Canada, Europe, and Brazil. It shows your airplane position on the field along with all of the taxiways, intersections, and hot spots to help keep passengers safe on the ground
Standard departures and arrivals are provided with passenger’s choice of georeferenced IFR or VFT Sectional en route mapping. The upgraded NXi also added an MFD split-screen view to show maps, checklists, flight plans, charts, and more on a single screen.
The Garmin G1000 NXi gives customers ADS-B in to give customers advanced traffic displays to include Terminal Traffic and Target Trend, as well as subscription-free weather. Other options like ground clutter suppression and turbulence detection for safer and smoother flights are also available. MONITOR AND LOG ENGINE DATA
The Garmin G1000 NXi automatically monitors and logs engine data to include trends and exceedance analysis. This data can be used to help identify performance issues early to avoid costly longer-term repairs. WIRELESS COCKPIT CONNECTIVITY WITH GARMIN CONNEXT
In conjunction with the Garmin Pilot app, using Garmin’s Connext and an optional Flight Stream 510, pilots can stream information in real-time between the Garmin G1000 NXi and your mobile device. This option can help you interface the cockpit with the continual streaming of traffic, weather, attitude information, and more. It also enables flight plan transfer and Database Concierge wireless database transfer. Kasstech Aerospace Pvt LTD is the sole sales representative of Diamond Aircraft in India. For more information: Please contact us on Diamond@kasstechaerospace.com