KassTech Aerospace
Leading edge solution provider in areas of Aerospace and Aviation technologies

Featured in Fortune India Exchange under most trusted companies.
Kasstech Aerospace Private Limited has been featured in Fortune India exchange under most trusted companies

Featured in SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS during Defexpo 2022.
Mr. Vivek Saxena director of Kasstech Aerospace Pvt Ltd featured in SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS during Defexpo 2022.

It is our pleasure to announce that Kasstech Aerospace Pvt LTD has won " MSME of the year" award in Aerospace and Defense awards 2022.
Automations Expo 2022
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency.
We were present at Automation India Expo 2022 and we thank everyone for visiting us .
We look forward to connect with the world of automation and be a helpful hand in this innovative industry.
7th International Police Expo 2022 - Day 2
A successful wrap at 3rd International Drone Expo 2022 and 7th International Police Expo 2022 (Day 2)!!
We also got featured in Indian health and safety review on Youtube and LinkedIN.
To watch the video please click on the button "More"
We are thankful to everyone who visited the stall and came forward to build a new connection.
Kasstech Aerospace Pvt Ltd provides Thermal OEM Cores Solutions from Teledyne FLIR and gimbals from Gremsy.
For more information please visit our website : www.kasstechaerospace.in
For queries please email us at flir@kasstechaerospace.com

Featured in SP's Land Forces
We are happy to share that KassTech Aerospace has been featured in SP's Land Forces.
Kasstech aerospace at Wings 2022
Diamond offers multiple advantages in its aircrafts such as exceptional fuel efficiency and low-cost operation with Jet A1 fuel, high reliability, safety, modern design, luxury, single-piston engine, and twin-engine aircraft, with larger interior space and performance, durable fully composite airframe, modern high- end avionics system and Austro engines with a powerful thrust.
Diamond offers aircraft as per your flying requirements from 2 seater DA20 to 4 seaters DA42 VI “bestselling twin-piston so far” and 7 seaters DA62 “SUV of the sky. Diamond has more than 50 aircrafts flying in the Indian sky today.
We were at Hall A, Booth no. 32, WINGS INDIA 2022 on 24th – 27th March 2022, Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad, India. This show is Asia’s largest event on civil Aviation (Commercial, General, and Business Aviation). The “DA42 VI” was on display.